Sun Valley Tradition
Every August for the past 47 years, the Killebrew-Thompson Memorial has gathered people from across the country around a common goal:
Find a cure for leukemia and other cancers
What began as a golf tournament among friends has expanded beyond the golf course into a four-day affair showcasing the best of Sun Valley. The traditional event lineup includes an Idaho Welcome BBQ, Live & Silent Auction Gala, Concert for a Cure, and outdoor activities that include fly fishing, sport shooting, horseback riding, and whitewater rafting.
Sun Valley Tournament
The Killebrew-Thompson Memorial Tournament in Sun Valley is played two Trent-Jones-designed golf courses—Trail Creek, by Trent Jones, Jr. and Elkhorn, by the legendary father and son design team.
The format is four-person, two best-ball over two-days with foursomes alternating courses. Handicap Max: Men 24 | Women 36.
The tournament concludes at the Sun Valley Club with trophies awarded the three lowest scoring teams, low net and low gross, longest drive, and closest for individual men and women.
Remote Tournament
Anyone can take a take a swing at cancer and compete from their home course. Foursomes play an 18-hole round at any course and submit their scores via the 18birdies app. The inaugural KTM Remote Golf Tournament in 2020 drew 152 golfers on 38 teams, playing at 31 different courses in 16 states. This year’s tournament runs Memorial Day weekend thru 4th of July. Stay tuned for details!